I read a quote last night that really inspired me. Leila Lopes, the newly crowned Miss Universe from Angola, was asked what physical trait about herself she would change during the interview questions. This was her response:
"Thank God I'm very satisfied with the way God created me and I wouldn't change a thing," Lopes said. "I consider myself a woman endowed with inner beauty. I have acquired many wonderful principles from my family and I intend to follow these for the rest of my life." **
That brings me to my own views on beauty. Some may say, "Of course, someone such as yourself, who does not have outer beauty, will focus more on inner beauty. It's just a way 'ugly' people have of making themselves feel better." One might also say that Ms. Lopes can afford to say something so noble being that she is one of the "beautiful people" and she was probably just trying to get cool points during her interview. Regardless of what some may say or think, I think we are all beautiful people. It is truly not the outter shell you come in that makes you "pretty". It is what emanates from your inner being, your true self, your core, that makes you radiatingly beautiful. Each day when I look at my Facebook account I see this truth. There, I see the beautiful people I call my friends. These are the people who I share pieces of my life with. These are the people that make me feel every range of emotion under the sun. They are also the people who make me realize what true beauty is. They all look different. Some have more flaws (inner and outer) than others. But, the one constant is that these are people that I consider so "beautiful" that I want to share the good, the bad, and the ugly with them. These people all represent different times in my life (some of which I'm not proud of). But, these are the people who have stuck by me and make my life better for having known them. Even those whom I may not have seen in years are still dear to me.
Ms. Lopes had it exactly right. It is who you are on the inside that makes you beautiful. It is the lessons you have learned, the failures you've had, the love, the hate, the joy, and the sadness, that makes you the beautiful, genuine person you are. Embrace that. Instead of focusing on whether you are an acceptable weight, or height, or this or that race, whether you're buff enough, whether your neck is too long or too short, whether your limbs are a perfect length, or any other physical attribute, focus on being kind, caring, empathetic, loving, sincere, and honest. Be a beautiful person by considering others sometimes before yourself. Hold the door for someone instead of letting it slam in their face. Give someone with a frown on their face a smile and a "hi". If you see someone struggling with something, give them a hand. Surprise the next person in line at Starbucks by paying for their drink. Do something that restores someones faith in mankind. Go to bed each night knowing that you are beautiful because you made this world a better place to live that day.