Monday, February 8, 2010
Being snowed in
If you don't live on the East coast, you've probably heard that we recently had a great deal of snow here in Virginia. I don't handle winter weather well at all. When I was a kid my mother and I went over a bank sideways in her car during a snow event. Since that time, I panic when it snows, ices, or gets cold. I want to move out of this state and to somewhere in which it rarely if ever snows during winter months. I'm working on that. Anyway, being snowed in causes me all kinds of problems. I panic watching the snow fall and start to feel anxious. The anxiety makes me want to eat. I eat more when I'm snowed in than I do on an average day. It's less about boredom than anxiety for me. I have already decided that I'm not going to weigh in at Weight Watchers this week. I don't want to spend the entire week worrying about the damage I did this past weekend. I'm heading to the gym today after work. The gym was not open this morning so I was not able to get in an early workout. So far, I've had 2 mugs of hot unsweetened green tea and a soyjoy bar. I forgot to make plans for dinner tonight, therefore I will have to get fast food tonight. I haven't had fast food in 11 days. I feel guilty, but I hope I can make a good choice when I do go out to eat.