Happy new year to all!!!! I hope it was a restful holiday season for everyone. I also hope that we all have recharged our "batteries" and are ready to meet our individual goals for the new year. I have always hated the idea of resolutions. I always felt that it was useless to wait until January 1 to make a change. I suppose it is one of the reasons why I joined the gym in July and started Weight Watchers in November. I also tend to "start" new things on May 15 (my birthday). To me my birthday is the start of my year. But, this year I feel like I want to celebrate this whole tradition of making a resolution. My resolutions are more like goals. I am going to the gym at least 3 days per week for 30 minutes each time. I am going to go to all of my Weight Watchers meetings even if I didn't do well during the week (I can go and not weigh in). I am going to write on my blog at least 3 times per week.
Now that I've written those resolutions/goals, I'm realizing something. I am afraid to commit to making significant changes. If I were not scared of failing, I would have said that I am going to the gym everyday for 45 minutes or more. I would have said that I am going to go to the gym 3 or more times per week in the afternoons after work. I would have said that I am going to lose a specific amount of weight before the end of the year. I would have committed to writing on the blog each and every day. I'm so accustomed to failure that I no longer "set the bar" high. I hope that I am just able to do the minimum. I need to challenge myself more in the new year.