Last night I watched the Biggest Loser as I always do. I am starting to have mixed feelings about the show. I have been watching this show since its first season. I can remember the morning radio shows talking about the show the morning after the first show of the first season. They were all making fun of seeing the nearly naked fat people. This was a new concept. Most of us fat folks try to hide our fat. But, those first brave contestants really paved the way us all becoming a little less shocked at seeing rolls of fat. I remember thinking during that first show that this show wouldn't make it to a second season. I was so wrong!! I thought this because I thought no one was interested in seeing a bunch of fat people trying to lose weight. What I DID NOT take into account was the number of fat people in this country who were also watching the show. Until the Biggest Loser came along, I thought I was the only morbidly obese person in this country. I often felt that way. When I left my home, I felt that I was some freakish monster because everyone else is so much thinner than me. I have changed my thinking slightly about this because of the Biggest Loser. I also didn't take into account that "fat" means many different weights from slightly overweight up to the super morbidly obese. This means that there are a lot of overweight people in this country according to weight standards.
One thing that I've realized from watching the Biggest Loser is that we ALL have SOMETHING that we want to change about ourselves or improve. That is a good thing. That is life. We should never accept just staying the same. We should all be growing and learning and changing. Humans are dynamic. I want to change my weight, my job, my happiness level. We should all strive to change ourselves and the world around us at all times. This could mean something as simple as learning about a new culture or suddenly realizing that you like a new food. When I thought I was the only person with a "problem", I was wrong. Watching the Biggest Loser provides me the opportunity to see people who have the same challenge that I do and not feel so alone in this battle. These people can't ride amusement park rides, fit into booths at restaurants, or buy clothes in a "normal" store, just like me. That doesn't make it "OK", but it makes me feel less lonely. I always shout out a few "amens" during the show because I understand their challenges as a fat person.
I say that I have mixed thoughts about this show for many reasons. I have to start out by saying that I would LOVE to be on the show. I have sent in 4 casting videos and gone to 5 open casting calls. I would love the opportunity to leave my normal life behind for a while and focus solely on my weight loss issues. It becomes difficult when you have life issues to take care of...laundry, cooking meals, fitting in exercise, taking care of loved ones, a job, dealing with debt, taking classes, grocery shopping and errands. The things that make life "life" really take me off of my course. I don't multitask in life very well. I can focus really well on one aspect and the others fall behind. If I have a bad day at work, I'll go on an eating binge. Or, if I am tired after a long day, I'll get fast food instead of cooking a healthy meal at home. At the Biggest Loser ranch, my focus would be on me. I could use the time to just focus on the weight loss. I could workout, learn about my eating habits, and take care of my mental health. I need the chance to just stop, shut down, and reset my mind and body mechanisms. AND, I really need that money. The $250,000 prize money would get me out of debt and clear my mind for one moment in time. Money problems are a HUGE part of my life. I KNOW I would win that show and therefore win the money and get the opportunities after the show. I would love to give speeches and motivate people.
The mixed feelings start coming in from the entire concept of TV producing. Having been to so many casting calls, talked to so many hopefuls, and done a great deal of research, I know how this TV thing works. We don't see everything on TV that really happens. What we see has been manipulated to make good TV and the time frames are skewed. For instance, few know that contestants have a high calorie day and can let go of their eating for a day. When I was regularly on the Weight Watchers program, I would have an "anything goes" day on Saturdays. When I started doing that, the weight came off easier. Biggest Loser viewers do not get to see what the contestants choose to eat on those days and have not been given a good explanation as to why. Instead of trying to push gum, yogurt, protein powder, scales, subs, and water bottles to us, tell us some useful information. I would also like to know more about the safety behind losing so much weight in a short period of time. I know that 1-2 pounds is the recommended amount of safe weight loss. Why is it safe for these contestants to lose so much weight at one time? Is it OK for me to be in the gym for a total of 6 hours per day as well as long as my doctor says I'm healthy? These are the things that I would like for them to divulge to the audience. You it all works. I think people need that because some people don't know how the Biggest Loser process works and get disappointed from their normal weight loss in real life. BUT, I do understand that maybe they can't go into all of that in 2 hours. Perhaps I'm the only one interested in that stuff. I am also conflicted by the way contestants are treated on the show. I think most people need a tough trainer with compassion. There is a way to talk to people. You don't have to beat someone to within an inch of their lives as Jillian has said to get results. Firm and compassion. There is a better way. BUT, when one signs up for the show, they know what they are getting into. I just wish exercise and meeting those goals could be presented in a more humane way. I have been working out since July 1, 2009 and enjoy it so. It is not torture, but a way to release stress and get me going for the day. I know that I should not be working out until I'm injured, throwing up, or passing out. Those are signs that something is wrong. BUT, if you want to go on that show, you want to get treated that way. I would love the chance to go on that show no matter how I got treated for the advantages of the opportunity. I also don't like the way they have the contestants wear those sports bras when they are at their heaviest. I know that the producers want the contestants to look terrible. It just seems so degrading. It says that the fat body is to be mocked and disrespected and the thin body should be adored and respected. BUT, if I got on that show, I would prance right up to that big scale (which is a fake) and show my rolls for all to see.
So, you see how I'm conflicted about the show? It really doesn't matter, I suppose. I do see those contestants working out and it inspires me to do something. I used to watch and eat. Watching them workout made me really hungry. Now, I sometimes get on my excercise bike and ride during the show. I won't be buying any Extra gum or food scales because of this show...not yet.